
Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Spiritual Awakening... {part 1}

It was around the end of September of last year, when I started having what I thought were just really bad sinus headaches. Though, they were a little more intense than the ones I have experienced numerous times throughout my life, it didn't occur to me that the cause had nothing to do with sinus.

Moving into October, I was feeling a lot better. The headaches went away, and I had a lot more energy. Things were looking up! My mother and I were spending more time together. We were shopping, cooking, going to the gym, and we were super excited about fall. Things were going great with my magazine, and my 31 business! I was so motivated... more so than I ever had been! Everything seemed to be working out for me. I was reaching my goals, and I got this sudden urge to try all these new things I had planned for the year. Then, the headaches came back! Only this time, they were much more intense. So intense I thought my head was going to explode! Aside from them being more severe, I was also experiencing a very strange, tingling sensation all over my head. It was especially tingly around the crown chakra.

Even though I wasn't feeling my best, I was still very focused on achieving all of the goals I had set for myself. I was determined to have a successful fall season with 31, and I was dead set on having the successful magazine, I have been dreaming about all my life. It all seemed to be going my way! For over 15 years, I have been so dedicated, and have put so much time into creating the perfect life. The life I have always known I wanted. I had it all perfectly planned out! Finally, after all these years, I was about to make it happen! And, then BOOM! I GOT HIT!!!

By the end of October, the headaches were becoming much more intense, and I started to develop flu-like symptoms. It didn't seem necessary to go to the doctor. I just thought maybe I had a bug, and just needed some rest. As awful as I felt, I was not about to let a little flu-bug bring me down!

As we headed into November, my symptoms were not getting any better, and I was starting to become depressed. Eventually, I became so overwhelmed that I became desperate. As much as I tried, and as hard as I fought, I could not pull myself back up! This was the worst I had ever felt! I was so consumed by the whole thing, I finally just broke down. That was when I started to pray a lot more, but it seemed like no matter how much, or how hard I prayed, my prayers weren't being heard. So, I decided to try something different. I got out a piece of paper, and I wrote God a note! I got down on my knees, and I read it to him out loud.

At around 7:30 pm, on November 10th, as I was getting into the shower, I heard a song! It wasn't like when you get a song stuck in your head. It was like being on an elevator, or in the waiting room at the doctors office. Then it got a little louder, and it seemed to move closer to my right ear. The song was Simon and Garfunkle's, "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". It was just the first part of the song, playing very clearly, word for word. I was very intrigued by this. To others it might be a coincidence, but in my heart, I knew that it meant something. I knew that God was sending me a message. He was letting me know that he heard my prayers, and that I was going to be okay!

A couple days after hearing the song, things started to get a little weird. It was neither bad, nor scary, it was much like a magical scavenger hunt, with lots of mind-blowing moments, and lots of synchronicities. There were moments where I felt like I was no longer present in my home. It was more like I found myself in Wonderland, and there was a trail of breadcrumbs, which lead me to the event that took place, on the evening of November the 15th.

On November 15th, some time between 9:00 and 10:00 pm, an angel was sent to me from Heaven, and she gave me a message. That was the night I was spiritually awakened, and my entire world was flipped upside down.

This is only part 1 of the story... there is a lot more to come
You may want to check out my new Facebook page, so you can be on the lookout for part 2!

Thank you all so much for stopping by, and for 
taking the time to read this post!

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